
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Global Economy Meltdown: The Rescue Plan

As the US economy was sliding down and slowly but inadvertently pull the global economy along, the people are already piling up on their concerns on how their lives would be affected, not just the Americans, but also everyone in the world. The finance industry, namely the banking (mortgage, loans, savings) has its head on the chopping block and desperate measures had to be taken by the US government to bail themselves out of a possible very embarrassing downfall. They had previously slammed their Asian counterparts, well not so counterparts I would say, during the infamous Asian financial crisis for practising the same thing they are doing now. I guess their last trick they pulled off their sleeves aren't something special anyway. So here we have it, the rescue plan, sold to the people of the United States for $700 billion. No place like America.

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