
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Needing Computer RAM Upgrade

I hate slow computers. It frustrates me when it's taking ages to load something on my computer and the RAM LED is blinking non-stop. This happens everywhere. At home, at the library, and especially at my work place. There's no doubt I am seriously thinking about Adding Computer RAM everyday I use that HP machine for work. It's a simple task everyone can perform. Just buy the correct RAM upgrade and stick it into the slot on your motherboard and see the boost your computer just received.

RAM prices are dropping as they reach for bigger capacity and greater speed. Sources like MemoryDeal provides the listing of the different types of RAM and their respective prices for your convenience. As they say, "Adding extra memory is today the simplest and most cost-effective way of upgrading one computer." I know there are some of you Apple fans reading this. Don't worry, just hit up Add IMAC Memory for your beloved yester-generation's iMac.

That PC underneath my desk is from a few years back, and a few years back means it's pretty left behind in terms of speed with respect to today's technological wonder. Its motherboard supports the older (and slower) type of RAM. Looks like I'll have to look in the DDR PC2700 Memory category. Since the company is forever on a tight budget, I bet they wouldn't fork out some serious cash for a new computer unless I break mine.

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