
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Deleting Old Non-performing Blogs, Unclustering I Call It

I am in the process of cleaning up my properties. In my computer. And also what I have stored online. As starters, I am deleting my old non-performing blogs, since I don't update them anymore and nobody reads them anymore and I don't make money from them anymore. Yeah, crap, some had a few PageRank values, but I figure it's better to channel all my thoughts to one blog or two. Furthermore, there are other things taking over my time in the days to come.

Old unused files in the computer are just clusters of data which jam up my hard disk with fragments. I feel happy when I see the amount of free space increasing to 10%, rather than the 1% or 2% which I always see. Yes, lotsa of junk cleared. Goodbye junks! Oh, and if anyone is interested about deleting files to the point that they are no longer recoverable, I use Clean Disk Security. Well identity theft is somewhat a threat. So some "personal" files should be disposed of properly. I can have paper shredders from Staples to dispose my credit card bills and stuff, and I use Clean Disk Security to dispose my digital files.

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