
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

RealRank by IZEA to Replace PageRank for Payperpost

The recent PageRank punishments handed out to bloggers who do sponsored posts has led to another clever idea from the people of Payperpost at IZEA to come out with an alternative to combat this unfairness. RealRank is their answer. Because Google has dropped PageRanks to 0 in many cases, including this blog which was a PR4, it no longer reflects the previous "traffic importance".

To quote IZEA:
RealRank data is gathered from the IZEA Toolkit "ITK" (formerly PPP Tools). It is a piece of javascript that many of you already have and those outside of PPP will be able to get from a separate site without joining PPP or SocialSpark. ITK gathers REAL traffic information, much like your analytics platform and ranks users based on their standing within the network. The formula is relatively simple:

70% weighted towards visitors per day
20% weighted towards amount of ACTIVE inbound links per day
10% weighted towards pageviews per day

Today, RealRank is officially implemented and the Blog tab has a column for RealRank and it displays my RealRank as calculated by ITK. I am glad we all didn't have to bow to Google's dominance.

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